Version 2.00
STANDARD ALIGNMENT DISK Version 2.00 including ideal inverted RIAA curve for turntable preamplifier tests using -20dB attenuator.
This disk, priced at $55.00 in combination with any CD player will replace a precision audio signal generator which can cost thousands of dollars. It contains all necessary signals to test and adjust any audio equipment including your CD player.
The Master Disk is recorded with 0.002% Total Harmonic Distortion (measured @ 1kHz) using industrial recording and test equipment.
Each master track is recorded individually
92 tracks ~72 minutes including:
Channel Orientation Test. Track 1-8
Track 3-Left, Track 4-Right. Siren signal
Track 5-Left, Track 6-Right. White Noise
Track 7-Left, Track 8-Right. Pink Noise
Channel Phasing Test. Track 9-11
Track 9. Siren signal
Track 10. White Noise
Track 11. Pink Noise
Reference Signal
Track 12. 1 kHz 0dBref (-12 dBmax) 5 minutes
Track 13. White Noise 0dBef (-12 dBmax) average level
Track 14. Pink Noise -1.5 dB (-13.5 dBmax) average level
Output Meter Adjustment.
Track 15-28. -42 to +12 dBref
Output Peak Level Meter Adjustment
1 kHz 0dBref (-12 dBmax) superimposed 20 and 28 msec peaks
Track 29. +9 dBref
Track 30. +10 dBref
Track 31. +11 dBref
Track 32. +12 dBref (max)
Track 33. Average Musical Program Equivalent.
400Hz 0dBref superimposed 3kHz +10dbref
Silent Channels. Track 34-35
Track 35 1 minute
Noise Level Test. Track 36-37
White Noise -50, -55, -60, -65, -70, -75, -80, -85, -90, -95, -100 dBmax
Channel Separation Test. Track 38-41
Track 38. Left silent, Right 1 kHz +6dBref
Track 39. Right silent, Left 1 kHz +6dBref
Track 40. Left silent, Right Noise 315Hz bandwidth centered at 1 kHz
Track 41. Right silent, Left Noise 315Hz bandwidth centered at 1 kHz
Frequency Response Test
Track 42-82 Standard NAB and IEC spot frequencies 10 Hz to 20,000 Hz 0dBref
Frequency Response Sweep Tests to find and fix unwanted resonances in speakers and rooms
Track 83. Continuous Sweep 10 Hz to 20000 Hz 0dBref
Track 84. Warble Sweep 10 Hz to 20000 Hz 0dBref
Track85. Reference 1 kHz 0dB RIAA (-20 dBref or -32 dBmax)
Track86. Rumbling Filter test, 10 Hz to 20 Hz
Track87. RIAA Curve Low Flat test, 20 Hz to 50 Hz
Track88. RIAA Curve Low Slope 6 dB/oct test, 50 Hz to 500 Hz
Track89. RIAA Curve Mid Flat test, 500 Hz to 2122 Hz
Track90. RIAA Curve High Slope 6 dB/oct test, 2122 Hz to 20000 Hz
Tape recorder equalization adjustment test
Track 91. 1 kHz/10kHz 6 minutes
Track 92. 1 kHz/100Hz 6 minutes
GennLab Standard Alignment Disk V2.00 |
Click on the picture to enlarge
Disk $55.00
International Courier with Tracking number (this option is NOT available for customers from Russia). Delivery target from 5 to 10 working days. Up to 10 items per a single package for combined shipping. $65.00. Please note for courier delivery the shipping address must be written in English. Provide your shipping address written in English.
To add $65.00 Shipping fee click here
G e n n L a b
Purchase price for the Disk $55.
Please note Shipping fee NOT included
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