CALIBRATION TAPES Menu Bar links to:
Standard Alignment (Calibration) Cassettes and Standard Alignment (Calibration) Tapes recorded using professional recording and test equipment
SIGNAL SOURCES Menu Bar links to:
Standard Alignment Disks.
Hammond tonewheel Organ Samples. (both have been recorded on CD using professional recording and test equipment.
Welcome to the GennLab Website
Site description
'Nakamichi' and the Nakamichi logo are registered trademarks of Nakamichi Corp. Japan.
'Dolby' and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
G e n n L a b
We have been shipping repeat orders to following 45 countries including Regional and National Sound Archives:
New Zealand Australia Romania Mexico
USA (continental) Netherlands Spain Slovenia
Canada Poland Finland Denmark
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The GennLab website is maintained and created by Gennady Lyskin.
*Please note all prices are in $US. Your order can not be processed until payment has been made for shipping. Follow the shipping payment instructions on the order pages.
SERVICE MANUALS Menu Bar links to:
TASCAM 122mkIII/112RmkII/112mkII Stereo Cassette Deck
Service Manual including schematic diagrams.
TASCAM 134/134B SYNCASET Service Manual
including schematic diagrams.
TASCAM 42B Reel-to-Reel Operation / Service Manual
including full set of exploded view drawings,
schematic diagrams, parts lists and
color P.C.B assembly component layouts.
OTARI MTR-10 II and 12 II Reel-to-Reel Service Manual
including full set of exploded view drawings,
schematic diagrams, parts lists and
color P.C.B assembly component layouts.
HAMMOND B-200 (18250K) COMBO DRAWBAR STAGE Transistor Organ Service Manual including schematic diagrams.
The next shipping will be after 2 April 2025